Using Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)
Download Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) - It's free.
For the best results always use Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) in Windows Safe Mode and use the Clean and do NOT restart option and manually restart after DDU is finished.
On/Off | Setting |
Show offers from our partners. | |
Remove "C:\NVIDIA" driver folders. | |
Remove PhysX | |
Remove 3DTV Play | |
Remove GeForce Experience (FGE) / NVIDIA App | |
Remove NVIDIA Broadcast | |
(DCH driver) Remove the NVIDIA Control Panel installed from the Microsoft Store | |
Keep NVIDIA Control Panel Global / Program Settings. | |
Prevent downloads of drivers from "Windows Update" when "Windows" search for a driver for a device. |
Photo of DDU Options for NVIDIA Users.
On/Off | Setting |
Show offers from our partners. | |
Remove "C:\AMD" driver folders. | |
Remove the driver/filter AMDKMPFD (A backup is recommended for AMD chipset) | |
Remove AMD Crimson Shader Cache folder | |
(DCH driver) Remove the AMD Control Panel installed from the Microsoft Store | |
Prevent downloads of drivers from "Windows Update" when "Windows" search for a driver for a device. |
Use these steps to boot into Windows Safe Mode.
- Press the Windows logo key + X on the keyboard.
- Hold the Shift key while clicking Restart from the Shut down or sign out menu.
- Select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings >Restart.
- After the PC restarts, there is a list of options. Select 4 or F4 or Fn+F4 (following the on-screen instructions) to start the PC in Safe Mode.
Modified Sunday, 5 January 2025